Sustainability and CSR
Sygnatures, a player in sustainable transformation
In an ever-changing world, sustainability is no longer an option, but a necessity.
Our mission is to support companies like yours in this crucial transition, while guaranteeing economic, social and environmental benefits.
For almost 10 years, the Sygnatures team has been supporting companies in the deployment of their sustainable development strategy.
Our experts are mobilized to meet your needs in terms of :
– Training and awareness-raising tailored to your ESG challenges and maturity.
– Personalized, pragmatic support to adapt to regulatory changes and challenges
environmental, social, societal and economic challenges.
– Certification of sustainability information (CSRD Sustainability Report). Laure Mulin is registered on the list of statutory auditors empowered to certify sustainability information, as provided for in II of Article L. 821-13 of the French Commercial Code.
– Verification of the Extra-Financial Performance Declaration (DPEF)
– Transition to Green Taxonomy
– Audit of mission companies
Sygnatures is a COFRAC-accredited Independent Third-Party Body for Validation / Verification according to ISO 17029 (Accreditation n°3-1894, scope available on