The partners

Our values
We endeavour to assist our clients in a spirit of partnership and trust.
This is in line with our commitment to promote the economic development of our communities in a climate of trust, through the services we offer, the projects we develop and our own management.
Therefore, we must behave in an exemplary manner, treating our clients respectfully in the context of a long-lasting quality relationship.
Independence and critical thinking
These values encompass, on the one hand, our resolve to exercise our professional judgment with distance and objectivity, and, on the other hand, to act with impartiality and honesty.
These values are not only pillars of our business, but must be applied with regard to all our dealings with all parties and in all our corporate activities.
They also reflect the idea of a firm that is independent of any national and international structure, a firm guided by the sole determination of the entrepreneurs making up the firm.
The spirit of initiative and innovation
We encourage a spirit of initiative among our employees so that they can innovate to meet the aspirations of our clients. Innovation is about being a forerunner, anticipating and developing tools to serve our businesses and our commitment to contribute to the economic development of our communities. Its aim is to influence the changes taking place.
It promotes the know-how and skills of our employees and encourages other economic players to move towards sustainable competitive practices.
Openness and sharing
For this to occur, there must be respect for co-workers in all their diversity, mutual trust and dependability, sharing of knowledge, and involvement in collective rather than individual success. Openness and sharing are essential to the well-being of employees and contribute to the progress and productivity of the Sygnatures Group.
This is an expression of a sense felt by each employee and each company in the group of being part of the same entity and sharing a common objective.
Professional equality
Sygnatures commit itself to respecting the profesionnal equality between men and women.
You can consult our Index égalité hommes/femmes 2019.
Our team

“Every man and woman who works for Sygnatures contributes to its success. Our 150 employees, who provide support to our 3,000 clients, play a key role in our development every day.
Key players in the Sygnatures organisation are the accountants, auditors, legal and tax specialists, payroll managers and all those who contribute to the Sygnatures organisation.
We take particular care to allow them to get personally involved on a daily basis, following their wishes and make sure they receive the recognition they deserve.”
Jean-yves gaillat