Located since 2006 in the east of the department, at equal distance from Isle-Jourdain, Samatan and Mauvezin, we aim to support all businesses located in the “Gascogne Toulousaine” area. We provide such businesses, during their creation and development, with concrete solutions in the social, legal and tax fields, but above all in the area of day-to-day management. Our new service “Business Diagnosis and Management (DPE)” will help these professionals to define objectives and action plans, and empower them to follow them to control their future.
Our accounting firm in Gimont, initially located at 19 rue des Capucins, has moved since August 2013 to the LAFOURCADE business park in premises that we have had built to better meet the expectations of our clients:
- A specific “client” area to reinforce client confidentiality.
- Reception rooms equipped with screens to better visualise the illustrated balance sheets presented to clients and to enhance this discussion and advice phase, which we consider essential for making management decisions.
- A car park with six spaces plus one disabled space so that our clients don’t waste time looking for a parking space.
- Functional and comfortable offices for our employees so that they may receive clients.